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50.50.50. Commencing!

June 1, 2012

June 1st. I can’t believe it. The local pool is finally open to the public today and summer is actually here! In an effort to start picking up my camera more often again, I’m taking the 50/50/50 challenge (50 photos in 50 days at 50mm) again- and sadly, these 50 days will get me almost the whole way through the summer up here on the Northern Plains! Well, maybe not quite, but over halfway, definitely.

I am excited to begin this round of 50/50/50 as I need a little more motivation to go out and shoot the new life and beauty springing around me, here in God’s Country. So often I want to go out, but there are always things to do- children to feed, bathrooms to clean, you get the picture (har har, punny). I need that little extra push to decide to ignore things for a little while to go and be creative- soul food, for me. On that note, housework is the killer of the soul, just in case you were wondering.

Here’s my photo for today…

My very favorite baby girl and her very favorite two fingers. How introspective she looks here. And, at times, she is. Often she is, wandering around in her own little world, talking to herself in her own little baby language. Other times she’s extremely fast and busy, making messes, screaming at her big bro, running for hugs from Daddy. She really does look that unkempt most of the time, you’d think she doesn’t have a mother. But she does, one that loves that mop of curls too much to lay a smoothing comb to them! Well, and I also respect the needs of a sensitive scalp.

Today I ignored the messy living room and procrastinated on the budgeting and grocery list I’m working on, to go out and enjoy some sunshine with the kiddos. And it was lovely. But now I must get back to the headache of preparing for town day in Bismarck tomorrow. Blah. It’s been over 3 weeks though, and we need groceries and a bad, bad way.

Anyways, I hope you stick around to see what else I come up with in the next 50 days!

One Comment leave one →
  1. sharon permalink
    June 1, 2012 4:38 pm

    oh goodie, glad your taking the ‘challenge’ cause I love seeing your photos 🙂

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